british preparatory school

A new and innovative school. BPS is one of the leading providers of first class primary education in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria today. We are an International school. We offer a rich, diverse and stimulating extra-curricular programme that would appeal to most if not all of our students. The School follows the National Curriculum of England catering for children between the ages of two years (pre-school) up to 11 years (Year 6). We also have a Creche section for 3 months to 2 years old. Our website provides the basic information you need to gain an insight into the school. However, please do come and visit our school. It is the best way to experience for yourself all that we have to offer and a great opportunity to meet the Staff and Students.   Fully Air Conditioned Classrooms.   A spacious play-ground with recreational facilities.   Ultra modern Classrooms with interactive whiteboards.   A Well Stocked Library with over 3000 book titles.   A fully equipped  ICT room.   Professionally Trained Graduate teachers   A state-of-the-art 24/7 CCTV Security Surveillance System.   Bio data Fingerprint technology for picking up of children.    Fire alarms and extinguishers in all strategic locations.   Toilets with soap dispensers and automatic hand dryers for personal hygiene.   Fully fitted Music Lab and Creative Arts Studio. Excursions and study exchange programmes to United Kingdom.


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(7 verified ratings)

About british preparatory school

A new and innovative school. BPS is one of the leading providers of first class primary education in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria today. We are an International school. We offer a rich, diverse and stimulating extra-curricular programme that would appeal to most if not all of our students. The School follows the National Curriculum of England catering for children between the ages of two years (pre-school) up to 11 years (Year 6). We also have a Creche section for 3 months to 2 years old. Our website provides the basic information you need to gain an insight into the school. However, please do come and visit our school. It is the best way to experience for yourself all that we have to offer and a great opportunity to meet the Staff and Students.   Fully Air Conditioned Classrooms.   A spacious play-ground with recreational facilities.   Ultra modern Classrooms with interactive whiteboards.   A Well Stocked Library with over 3000 book titles.   A fully equipped  ICT room.   Professionally Trained Graduate teachers   A state-of-the-art 24/7 CCTV Security Surveillance System.   Bio data Fingerprint technology for picking up of children.    Fire alarms and extinguishers in all strategic locations.   Toilets with soap dispensers and automatic hand dryers for personal hygiene.   Fully fitted Music Lab and Creative Arts Studio. Excursions and study exchange programmes to United Kingdom.

british preparatory school

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Call: +234 916 410 8484

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