inglewood academy Montessori

Inglewood Montessori School {IMS} is a non-sectarian private nursery and primary school established to provide sound qualitative education. The school which is located in the serene environment of Owutu, Ikorodu, Lagos State, Nigeria was founded in 2007 by a couple who have made their marks in education and their distinct professions.


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About inglewood academy Montessori

Inglewood Montessori School {IMS} is a non-sectarian private nursery and primary school established to provide sound qualitative education. The school which is located in the serene environment of Owutu, Ikorodu, Lagos State, Nigeria was founded in 2007 by a couple who have made their marks in education and their distinct professions.

History of inglewood academy Montessori

The great Inglewood Academy was established in September 2002 with an initial population of 36 students and got approval from the state Ministry of Education a year later. Reasons for approval within a short period are not far fetched - the fact that facilities were fully on ground right at inception and the quality of teachers employed. The school enjoys the advisory roles of a Board of Directors who are experts in their various professions, working tirelessly to ensure that goals and aspirations of the owners are accomplished. As professionals, the founders of the school, not only aim at awarding certificates to students but to also impart the necessary knowledge and skills which will make them self reliant and able to favourably compete with today's and tomorrow's world. The motto of the school "In lumino tuo videmus Lumen", meaning "In thy light we see light and mission statement" ours is a commitment towards creating a better society with a view to providing efficient educational services through highly motivated proferssionals, justifies the reason behind employing only specialists staff in the various subjects. Inglewood Academy has metamorphosed from its initial two bungalow structure at inception to a state of the art purpose - built school which attracts people from every nook and cranny of Ikorodu and even beyond. We have not only increased in population, but also infrastructural. The school has well equipped laboratories and special rooms including a language room and music room as well as an Information Technology room.

inglewood academy Montessori

Academic Year



Nigerian / British Curriculum .

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day only



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Call: +234 916 410 8484

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